Friday 30 November 2012

Black Swan Ballerina by Barry J Davis

Oil painting on black canvas.

As a young child Barry showed alot of talent in his drawings and at the age of 12 he sold his first painting.
He also painted portraits of people and animals while looking to attend an art school. Due to lack of support  from his family he spent two years trying out different jobs but eventually he began painting for local galleries by day and playing with various bands at night.
During the mid 80's he eventually became a full-time artist , producing realistic paintings.

"Barry has never held a solo exhibition mainly because his work sells before he can amass enough pieces together to exhibit,"
I really like this painting because it shows alot of passion , it has very good balance, different shades and tones.When looking at it, it doesn't necessarily give you a relaxed emotion as her facial expression shows fierceness but as a painting regarding colour, balance etc it is very harmonious.
About the Artist. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2012, from Bonnie Hamlin:
Artist barry j davis. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2012, from the art online gallery:

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